Currency Converter is an app that helps its user to convert US Dollar to another currency such as Pound Sterling, Euro, Bitcoin, Australian Dollar, Swiss Franc and many others.
This Currency Converter has 9 important Features in order to make easier all kind of currencies conversions whose base is US dollar
Set your wish rates and you will get a notification when the current rate reaches your wish exchange rate
Convert your currencies in both directions: From US Dollar to Pound Sterling as well as
From Pound Sterling whose code is GBP and its symbol or sign is £
To US Dollar whose code is USD and its symbol or sign is $
Calculate before conversion, thanks to its calculator included you can perform arithmetic operations on numbers such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Edit your Current Rate when you are Offline
Keep on converting your currencies when you are offline with the last exchange rate updated when you were online
When you get the notification of your wish rate reached you can get a sound or a vibration, depending on the volume level of your device you have adjusted, if it is mute, it will be a vibration, if not it will produce a sound.
Change the currency in order to convert from US Dollar to another currency of your choice
Enable the shake calculator and it will allow you to get the result of your calculation by shaking your device instead of pressing the equal button